Lab in Spring 2023
Pia H. Moisander
Professor of Biology
Professor of Estuarine and Ocean Sciences
pmoisander at umassd dot edu
School of Marine Science – Department of Estuarine and Ocean Sciences
On sabbatical in Spring 2024: University of Helsinki, Department of Microbiology
Director, Biology Graduate Programs
Graduate students
Lucinda Manlick, MS student; Marine Biology
Microbial communities in microplastics
Metagenomics, flow cytometry. Lab’s outreach expert!
Emma Steedman, MS student, Marine Biology
Spatio-temporal distribution of diazotrophs in the coastal North Atlantic Ocean
Alyssa Glycenfer, MS student; Marine Biology
Microbially influenced corrosion in marine sediments
Subham Chakraborty, PhD student; Integrative Biology
Environmental controls of microbially influenced corrosion in marine systems
Research Technician
Adam Young
PhD student; Integrative Biology
Undergraduate research students
Chris Na Chiengmai
Microplastics methodology development
Alumni – graduate students
Kenneth Boyle, MS in Marine Biology 2o24
Thesis: Marine biofilm community assembly is driven by seasonality in the Western North Atlantic Ocean
Abhishek Naik, PhD, Marine Science and Technology 2024. Dissertation: Marine biofilms on artificial structures as a model for microbial community succession and stability
Current position: Postdoctoral Researcher, University of Connecticut (Marine Sciences)
Stephanie Richard, M.S., Marine Biology, 2023. Thesis: Impact of Climate Change on Copepod Microbiome
Current position: Research Assistant, Marine Biological Laboratory, Woods Hole, MA
Katyanne Shoemaker. PhD. Marine Science and Technology; M.S. in Marine Biology.
Current position: Research Biologist, NOAA
Ryan Nuttall. M.S. in Marine Science and Technology and M.S. in Marine Biology
Rosemary Scavotto. M.S. in Marine Biology
Sarah Holmes. M.S. in Marine Biology
Meaghan Daley. M.S. in Marine Science (UMass Boston) (co-advisee)
Fazmina Anver, Research Technician