Moisander Lab at the University of Massachusetts investigates questions in marine microbial ecology and the links of microbial activities to marine biogeochemical cycling. Our recent work has focused on investigations of microbial community assembly and composition in ocean transects and estuaries, zooplankton microbiomes and biofilms, and besides overall community composition, we have a special focus on nitrogen fixing organisms. Our methods include molecular (including amplicon sequencing, metagenomics, fluorescent constructs), microscopy (SEM, micro-FTIR, fluorescence), cultivation, among others.
Interested in joining the lab as a graduate student or Post doc? Contact the PI about research projects and funding opportunities.
Dec 2024 – Technical Associate position. A full-time, grant-funded Research Technician (Technical Associate) position is open for applications. Initial appointment for one year. The position is funded by the Blue Economy initiative and will support a project on water quality instrumentation at the university pier at the School of Marine Science and Technology (SMAST). Mooring and logging setup and maintenance, instrumentation programming, calibrations and maintenance, sample and data processing and analysis. Work on both main campus and SMAST. BSc or MS in Biology, Marine Science, or related field. Full position description and how to apply